Monday, January 20, 2014

Make Your Garden Look Cleaner with Garden Edging

If you’re looking for something to make your yard and garden look more professional then garden edging or concrete edging is the way to go. It will give it a simple yet professional look that is aesthetically pleasing and affordable. Gardens can look messy without some kind of garden edging around them, but installing concrete edging will give it a cleaner look that you’re sure to be pleased with.

A great place to get garden edging of all kinds is they specialize in things like concrete, concrete edging, and garden edging. They have a variety of things for you to choose from including:

  • colored concrete
  • concrete edging
  • driveway edging
  • concrete stenciling
  • driveway concrete

So, if you’re looking for a way to make your garden look cleaner and prettier, check out Hills Kerbs today and see if they have garden edging that’s right for your garden.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Amazing Things Window Tinting can Do

It’s extremely sunny in Australia, as any local could tell you. It’s a beautiful place to live and most of the time the sun is great, but it does get bothersome at times. I keep thinking that if I could find a way to put window tinting on my house like I have in my car then it wouldn’t be a problem. I could enjoy the beautiful sun without it being too overwhelming inside my home.

As it turns out there is a place to get window tinting in Melbourne, right where I live! A place called Window Energy Solutions sells a variety of different window tints, films, and other energy saving products. I came across this site one day while I was browsing the internet: They have exactly what you need if you want to make it a bit shadier and cooler in your house. Their window tints are practical, there’s a whole list of reasons why Window Energy Solution’s window tinting is the right thing to purchase.

  • They reduce heating and cooling bills by up to 80% by helping your home hold it’s temperature.
  • They reduce glare.
  • They increase your privacy; no curtains needed!
  • They offer tinted safety film which will decrease the chance of your window breaking by over 60%
  • Window tinting reduces harmful UV rays from reaching your skin.

I went looking for a place that does window tinting in Melbourne so I would be able to escape the bright sun when retreating inside my house, but I found so much more than that with Window Energy Solutions. My utility bills have gone down, my home is more comfortable, and my house even looks nicer! Who knew simple window tinting could do so much?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Increase the Value of your Home with Outdoor Renovations!

The first thing someone is going to look at when thinking about purchasing a home is the outside of the house. Not to mention that you can actually ask for more money if the outside of your house is nicely landscaped. So, what can you do to increase the value of your home through outdoor renovations? Here are a few things:

1. Put down colored concrete in the driveway or walkways. This creates a great contrast with the grass and regularly colored road around your home and in your yard.

2. Add interesting landscaping to your yard. Things like gardens or walls will add visual interest and value.

3. Get your driveway pressure washed to reveal concrete that looks practically brand new.

4. Add concrete or brick edging around your garden, driveway, or garden.

5. Add some stenciling to your plain or colored concrete to make it that much more interesting and appealing.

Getting one or two of these simple and fairly priced renovations done to the outside of your home will bring the value significantly up if you're looking to sell and will make your yard and home look nicer even if you aren't selling.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Pros and Cons of Renovating Your Home


1. You get a new space that is fit exactly to your needs and specifications.

2. You get to have a new and larger space without having to move.

3. You can accommodate whatever new person or thing in your life prompted this want to renovate.

4. Having a new space that fits your life and needs is proven to improve mood and productivity in the home.


1. Not everyone in the home or family may like the idea of the remodel.

2. There will be a lot of hassle and stress during the renovation.

3. Strange people will be in your home for the entire time the renovation is happening.

4. Tempers can run high during times like these.

5. For a portion of this time parts of your house will be taken apart or unusable; you have to go through chaos in order to get what you want in the end.

So, there are about an equal number of pros and cons. You just have to look at both lists and find out if you can deal with the bad in order to get the good.